Thursday, July 24, 2008

When we walked in the rain......

In the rain we walked, so close,
so beautiful was she, my rose,
my heart skipped a beat, so often,
when we walked in the rain

The rain drenched us, i was delighted,
when she smiled, i was elated,
her stare bore a hole in my soul,
when we walked in the rain....

my mind is not with me anymore,
a smile for long i wore,
i lost my senses, i dont know why,
when i walked with you in the rain....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

THE SEARCH...........

Am i who i am, i ask myself,
i dont know the answer, as yet,
i search like never before, in self,
until my dreams are met.

The search is endless i feel,
all thats left in me is nothing,
down defeated i kneel,
life has but clipped my wing.

Am i ready, or am i not?
am i ever going to be??
for ever am i going to rot?
nothing is clear, nothing left to see...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

For a new start!

Am i there, am i not?
am i in me or have i rot?
nothingness is so around me,
now emptiness is all i see.

Have i been less of me, more of she?
have i been wat i should never be?
left me bewildered, went far away,
nothin left to do, not a word to say.

Am back to me, and see wats left,
back to life in this deep cleft,
so its just me and my shadow now,
down and out, so low.

Did i hear a voice? its just myself,
in my head sounds an empty self,
so void is me, a hollow unseen,
this is a way i have never been.

More of me is less in me today,
i realise, i never found my way,
built hopes, so painfully untrue,
memories ignite, never a few.

No pain is so more than this,
so full, so much, death seems like bliss,
long since a smile crossed my heart,
but now am limping ahead, for a new start.

- Hallaay